Monday, December 29, 2008

Book Review: Colossians Remixed Ch. 1

The reading for this week in Colossians Remixed* is:
Chapter 1 [pp. 15-37]: "Placing Ourselves: Globalization and Postmodernity"

1. Optimism of globalization ("empire") and postmodernism
i. Do you agree with the chapter's premise? Why?
ii. Is globalization a byproduct of Western Civilization, or something broader?
iii. Can you relate to William's experiences?
iv. How (if at all) does the current economic climate affect the chapter's premise?
v. Is this economic downturn a necessary and logical stage to globalization; a bump in the road; or something else entirely?

2. The Church
i. How does the church in America and the world fit into this globalization/postmodernism dynamic?
ii. Could one claim that mission activity has been affected by this societal phase?

3. Discussion
i. List any other thoughts, comments, or questions you have about this chapter.

List your answers in the comment section to this post by Wednesday, January 21, 2009.