Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Anger in Atheism

I realize this will be my second post on atheism today, but here goes. I do enjoy keeping up on current events, which leads me to read diverse opinions. This in turn leads me to sites such as DailyKos, which perhaps best (or worst it seems, in some cases) represents the far left's blogosphere. Anyways, there are often angry posts on this site and unfortunately many delve into emotional anti-religious tirades, usually accompanied by even more vitriolic comments and superficial debates.

To tie in with the earlier post, I suppose my question is why such anger is often directed at religion itself. Maybe it is noble to try and minimize events that cause people to react with anger at Christianity, but at the same point, one can't make the goal of pleasing everyone. After all, our ultimate mission isn't to uphold some relative secular sense of "anger" but instead to glorify God.

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