So, Pat Robertson endorses Rudy Giuliani . . . do we need any more proof that Republican politicos don't give a damn about the social issues so important to conservative Christians and are instead just interested in perpetuating their own power?
Source: NY Times
Christian Identity and the Hegemony of Mammon
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many America...
I share your dismay and confusion regarding Robertson's "endorsement". However I think the more distressing signal is not the notion of politicians (or their supporters) using a variety of less-than-savory methods to retain power, but that Mr. Robertson is still listed as a serious and overtly credible spokesperson by many for all conservative Christians.
See my next post for a related point on labeling.
Yeah Jeremy I understand what you're saying and I definitely agree with that--but the atrocious state of the media in this country merits another post entirely! I guess the most troubling aspect for me is the fact that apparently both R. and G. (as well as all his campaign managers) thought this sort of move would really support his campaign. There's a two-fold problem here: 1. That Robertson has the hubris to believe he's the good Republican shepherd and Christians will follow him; 2. That Guiliani believed this and, recognizing that he had nothing either politically or personally to offer conservative Christians (apart from the label "Republican," of course), so he looked to cash in on the Robertson- effect. I truly hope it backfires completely for both of them, though I somehow doubt it will.
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