Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Interesting First Things Link on Atheism

As is increasingly apparent, I am becoming quite attached to the excellent blog on First Things' website (this blog has a newsfeed from First Things below right). Along these lines, I also would like to encourage you all to read this journal, there are always extremely insightful commentaries and articles.

I highly recommend this very intriguing
post on atheism,* which--among other items--contains this story from physicist Steve Barr**:

"... a lecture Daniel Dennett gave last year at the University of Delaware, in which he claimed that Darwin had shredded the credibility of religion and was, indeed, the very “destroyer” of God. In the question session, a philosophy professor named Jeff Jordan suggested to Dennett: "If Darwinism is inherently atheistic, as you say, then obviously it can’t be taught in public schools.”

And why is that?” inquired Dennett, incredulous.

Because,” said Jordan, “the Supreme Court has held that the Constitution guarantees government neutrality between religion and irreligion.”

Dennett, looking as if he’d been sucker-punched, leaned back against the wall and said, after a few moments of silence, “clever.” After another silence, he came up with a reply: He had not meant to say that evolution logically entails atheism, merely that it undercuts religion."

Sources: [*] & [**] First Things: On the Square [Joseph Bottum/Steve Barr].

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

interesting post!